43221 Darlington, Queen Elizabeth

Sunday 28 March 2010

6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Throughout this project i have not only used a wide range of software and hardware, i have also used them for the first time! I have had experience with photoshop before so I was quite at home with that, however adobe InDesign was new, SLR cameras were not something i was familiar in operating, and even the blog - i had no previous experience of blogging! I found InDesign fairly difficult to operate, but soon became familiar with it, translating digital files using its quickdraw feature, this meant there was a poor screen quality - which made it difficult to judge whether my work was actually of the quality that I had seen on Photoshop, and would see printed.
I was no stranger to specific file formatting before this course, however i do now keep a clear storage space, and have learnt the hard way that you should never only save a file as a JPEG, it is so important that PSD files are kept in case anything needs tweaked or edited at a later stage.
I was expecting to synchronise technology with my artwork skills a lot more than i have done, however for one reason or anything i found myself too focused on little tricks i had picked up in Photoshop and therefore making any artwork ideas i had obliterate.

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