43221 Darlington, Queen Elizabeth

Sunday 28 March 2010

2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?

The social groups represented in my magazine vary from middle aged rockers, to young and original scenes that may have been missed by the mainstream. Very often people within the music industry forget that not all teenagers are into the 'new' popular music, a lot do appreciate older stuff and would much rather read about the new music that share more than the odd similarity with older 'classic' bands, my magazine reaches out to these people. My cover model represents a typical 'lad' smartly dressed with a music sense, as the two became a good example of synergy within fashion and music in the sixies with the 'mod'. As for the two images featured above, i thought they were both typical of the same social group, there is the same 'not fussed' facial expression yet attitude seeping from both images. Both are dressed and are standing very similarly, and the whole outlook rubs off very much the same. Addressing the reader wih eye contact shows confidence and allows the reader to relate, it is important to avoid anything over the top though, as then the wrong audience becomes drawn in.

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