43221 Darlington, Queen Elizabeth

Sunday 28 March 2010

7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

My preliminary task was a poor effort in terms of the visions i had of it becoming, very lacking in adventure and skill, i'd like to think that perhaps these are two of the things that i have picked up in producing the real magazine. I have learnt quite a lot of skills in the photoshop department, layermasking, probably being the most useful, however also the using the ruler guides is a very needy skill to pick up, as there is nothing worse than text that should be centred and is not. The prelim contents page looks disastrous, although i am not entirely pleased with my real contents page, it is a massive improvement on the prelim, perhaps with just more care towards colour and i would have been pleased with it. I feel the problem with the prelim was simply that I hadn't learned the appropriate skills by that time, however now, that excuse is not valid, I would have liked to have designated more time into the thought process of the magazine, perhaps even to have been able to continue this process throughout the beginnings of production, allowing me to enable what works and what does not work, however this could not be the case. Before we began, i was almost certain that the practical side of the work would be more my kind of project, however looking back now finished, i do have to say that the audience research and readership profiles, etc really were something i enjoyed doing, and i recognise that this simply is a must in order to produce a magazine that looks at least semi - professional!

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